Our After School program gives children the time they need to prepare for the school day and relax after school. Children who are turning 5 years old by September to 12 years of age are invited to enroll. Our program sizes are small giving each child the individual attention he or she needs.
Our program runs from September through June from 2:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Outside of the school year, summer camp programs are available. Transportation from school is provided.
The cost of the After School Program is a blended rate that includes your child’s weekly attendance and any full days that your child’s elementary school is closed.
We request that you provide a yearly calendar of your school’s breaks and days off so that we can prepare for them. During the week that your child’s school closes for long holiday breaks, we plan an event-filled calendar of fun, special activities such as field trips and movie days.
What’s Included
We provide light dinner, snacks, and beverages. All meals are provided when full day care is needed for school-age children. Our food program is an eco-friendly, green, and clean alternative.
Every day children will be offered homework supervision, computer time, outside play, and arts and crafts.
We offer parents orientation times for their children to get to know our program for 2-3 hours while their parents complete some paperwork. This helps the child and the parent transition. The child will bond with staff and the parents can become more comfortable with our operations.
Campus Location
Our campus is a secure, protected environment that is clean, friendly, and stimulating for children.
We offer a playground that is specifically designed for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and K-5 aged children. The surface of our playground is rubber.
7901 Ridge Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19128
Our staff is dedicated, compassionate, and certified by state and federal requirements. Background checks of every staff member are required. Our teachers hold degrees in Early Childhood Education.
Enrollment Information
Click here for our Enrollment Information.